DC project – And the winner of the contest is…

Filed under: Contest,Crochet,dc project — April 26, 2016 @ 10:55 am

That’s it.

The contest to win 6 beautiful ergonomic hooks
– 4 Tulip Etimo Rose hooks 
– 2 Prym Soft hooks
is now officially over ! Let’s see which photo won…


To enter the contest, all was needed was to share a picture of your swatch(es) crocheted following an Episode of the DC project, to explore all the variants of my favorite crochet stitch, the Double Crochet !
But first, let’s have a look at all the swatches entered in the contest, and feedback from the crocheters who made them:

AnneLinage AnneLinage2Gde
PHOTOS 1 & 2
Anne Linage followed à©pisodes 1 and 3 to crochet her swatches
dc in both loops, dc in the front loop and dc in the back loop
dc in both loops, dc in the 3rd loop, front post and back post dc:
She said “J’aime beaucoup le rendu de la troisià¨me partie tout en haut.” (= I really like the look of the dc in the front loop)
“Pas trà¨s fan des gros reliefs, ce que je prà©fà¨re c’est la deuxià¨me partie en partant du bas” (= Not a huge fan of the relief stitches, the one I prefer is the dc in the 3rd loop)

confiture 3r confiture1r confiture2r confiture4r

PHOTOS 3 to 6
Confituralamure followed every single episode of the dc project, and made a looong swatch showing each series !
dc in both loops, dc in the front loop and dc in the back loop
dc in both loops, dc in the 3rd loop, front post and back post dc
dc in between stitches, linked dc, extended dc
– crocheted cables
She wrote about the whole experience on her (french) blog, and basically even though she’s a designer herself it seems she was shocked by the difference many of those variants made:

“Premier choc, comme une cruche, je m’attendais à  un rà©sultat identique sur les brides brin avant et brin arrià¨re. Que nenni ! (..)
Deuxià¨me choc, je n’avais jamais pensà© à  piquer dans ce que Sylvie appelle le 3à¨me brin, le petit brin sous les 2 v. C’est pas super facile à  faire au dà©but, mais à§a donne un chouette effet, comme une lisià¨re de mailles coulà©es. A essayer et à  utiliser en dà©co.
Troisià¨me choc, un peu comme pour la bride piquà©e dans le brin avant ou brin arrià¨re, je pensais que la bride relief avant ou relief arrià¨re allaient me donner le màªme rà©sultat, ben non. Enfin si, la diffà©rence est moindre que pour le brin avant brin arrià¨re, mais on voit clairement une diffà©rence, au moins de taille. Surprenant. Du coup, je suis perplexe pour l’emploi des brides en relief sur les carrà©s granny par exemple. La symà©trie n’est pas heu… symà©trique !
Quatrià¨me choc, la bride lià©e. Mais qu’est ce donc que cette bàªte là  ??? Ben c’est nouveau, à§a vient d’sortir. Enfin, certainement pas pour tout le monde, mais pour moi, si. Et le rà©sultat est jouli jouli !! Je m’en reservirai, c’est sà»r et certo.”

Kims Colourway

Kims Colorway tried the dc in both loops, dc in the front loop and in the back loop with episode 1.
” Very interesting! I never thought of that before! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.” 


Marie Juglair followed episode 6 for her swatch: she crocheted the dc in both loops, linked dc, dc in between stitches and extended dc.
“J’aime bien la bride lià©e qui donne un effet bien serrà© et qui permet de ne pas doubler si on fait une pochette (car je ne maà®trise pas bien la couture…)”
= I like the linked dc which has a tight look and allows to skip the lining if making a bag (as I don’t master sewing very well)


Sandrine Campana crocheted dc in both loops, dc in the front loop and dc in the back loop following episode 1 of the DC project.

And now… Bam !
I entered the data in the “Random number generator” and:


The winner is photo 8: Marie Juglair. Bravo !!
(please send me your adress and I’ll send the crochet hooks)

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