My “office”

Filed under: chezPlum Patterns,Crochet,Knitting,Yarn — March 1, 2008 @ 4:05 pm

..My partner found it funny to snap a picture of my “office” while I was working on the sizing of the Violaine yesterday night…

Yes, I’m that messy ! :-P (but we have a tiny appartment, I’m dreaming of the day I can have a full room to call my studio)

I’ve now finished writing the size XS and nearly the size S for the Violaine top. I’m still not sure I’ll have enough testers for both those sizes though, anybody interested ? (we’re talking rather fast feedback, like within 10-14 days after I send the pattern. You get 2 free patterns as a thank-you)

In other news, I got lots of goodies in the mail recently, including several lots of kureyon and a copy of the spring IK this morning. Lots of very pretty cardies in it, and I can’t wait to read the Ravelry article… ;-)


  1. Mélanie:

    Allô Sylvie,

    J’aimerais tester ton patron, dans le S si possible. Quelle épaisseur de laine? Si je n’ai pas la laine, je ne pourrais pas le faire vite. Je reste à 2 heures d’une ville, alors je commande la majorité de ma laine. Je viens d’acheter Roselette, j’ai hâte de la faire.

  2. knittingajour:

    At least you got an office!
    I’m working on that one…

    Please, don’t forget to send me a copy!?!

  3. Sylvana:

    I could test it too for you either XS or S

  4. Mummynat:

    I dream of a craft room too. I have to pack mine away each night to prevent little fingers from ‘helping’.
    I love this pattern so much, but having just had baby number 4, I’ll be waiting for the larger sizes ;)

  5. Wendy:

    Super cute top! I could help you test some patterns if you need help. I have kids sizes 7 and 4. Also, if you venture into adult plus sized, I am that. (unfortunately.)

    I have created a few patterns and I think that sizing is the hardest part of pattern design.

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