Fiber talk and January Fiber Giveaway

Filed under: Contest,Fiber Prep,Freebie,Hackle,Monthly Fiber Giveaway — January 20, 2009 @ 1:37 pm

Whoops, didn’t mean to take so long to post .. Week-end was busy with friends and it’s already tuesday ! :-P

Here’s the promised pic of that fiber I blended on my Hackle. As usual, I carded the remaining fiber with my handcards. Pretty, no ?

I tried to practise with my hand-cards the other day, and to try and find more info on how to use them. Until I realised that, Ahem, you’re not really supposed to use them this way… :-P
So everybody talks about how to card super airy/fluffy rolags. But I’m dreaming of a drum carder and am trying to achieve sort-of mini-batts with my cards… ;-)
I loved the ones Chrissy sent me in the Fiber Swap Club (and the resulting yarn), and have tried to follow her advice. Works not too bad, but am still struggling to transfer the fiber onto one carder.

.. So, what I mean is, Here’s this month Fiber Giveaway: soft, soft, and super soft !! :-)
It may not be perfect/the regular way to prepare fiber, but that’s how I like it… ;-)
Hand carded white Superfine Merino + purple Cotswold locks, + pink/purple/yellow Tussah silk + bits of Yak, Cashmere and Camel. As usual, there’s just a little sample-amount of it, maybe 25/30 g ? (about 1 oz)

For your chance to win it, just leave a comment on this post, saying why you’d like it and/or what youâ??d spin with it. And of course, feel free to blog about it, for an additional chance ! Comments open until sunday 25th.


  1. Monet:

    Ohhh very nice, I would like it because that would make one beautiful cowl for my neice! :)

  2. Sylvana:

    Hello hello, I would like to participate, I’ve never spin before and I would like to give it a try.
    On a different topic whenever you have your hat pattern ready just let me know.


  3. Ballee:

    That looks terrific! And very soft. I’m curious!
    Count me in for the give-away please!

  4. Chia:

    Please count me in. I think that it would make a nice stuffed animal gift once spun. Something for an adult of course.

  5. Angela:

    Lovely fiber! I bought a spindle but I need some fiber to learn with. :)


    looks terrific!

  7. Jenifer:

    Ooh … I’d spin it fine, make it 2-ply, and make some baby booties out of it. It looks so soft! Nicely done! :)

  8. MamaMay:

    Wow! Lovely stuff! Thank you for the contest!

    Ravelry name: MamaMay

  9. Chrissy:

    Beautiful fiber! I would love to be able to spin it into yarn that I could knit into the free Cravat Scarflette pattern on Ravelry. I think that’s a reasonable goal since I’m a beginner.

  10. MariAngel:

    That fiber looks so beautiful. I’ve been considering giving spinning a try and this would be my incentive to do it. I love the blend of colours, almost like a cloud.


  11. JC:

    I’d totally spin something with little bumps in it, probably a 2-ply and knit it up into a fuzzy, funky hat.

  12. victoria:

    i like it because it has bits of pink and purpleand it looks really soft and yummy.

  13. tanya:

    my hand carders seem to challenge me as well at times, i will have to try making some smaller batt’s like yours! Your batts here look so fluffy, i think a light little neckwarmer or the lacey knit sleeve type cuffs (that double as wristwarmers) of knitty would look lovely!

  14. tanya:

    i forgot to tell you, i linked to you!

  15. Marie:

    Oooooh how yummy!!

    I would love to be able to work with this soft, gorgeous fibre…I’ve learned how to spin a while ago and I’m enjoying it immensely…

    Methinks I’d make a lovely scarf for my Mom – she more than deserves it!

    Good luck to everyone!


  16. Aimee:

    I’d really like them because I’m still trying to learn to card as well. I’d love to see another person’s results since I live in a fiber prep vacuum. I also love super soft.

  17. adrienne:

    I’m in!!.. The fiber looks absolutely yummy.. I can already picture how soft it will feel sliding through my fingers as twirls into yarn..(hehe).. Such lovely fiber deserves a nice lace scarf for spring I think. The colors are perfect.

  18. Em:

    Mmm that looks gorgeous–I’d use it for a cowl or headband, something that would really allow me to appreciate its softness

  19. Kate:

    Lovely! I would spin it into some slubby, thick and thin and knit a scarflette out of it.

  20. Martha:

    That’s beautiful. I’d love to use it to practice spinning. And knitting some yarn you’ve spun yourself is so awesome too.

  21. Kanjun:

    Beautiful! I’d love to experiment with something as fine as merino – I’m just beginning, so I’ve only spun with the coarser wools. I’d like to see how a merino/silk blend would hold up!

  22. Amy:

    I’d love to spin some lace with that. It sounds delicious.

  23. Gretchen (brownbear on rav):

    It looks so nice and soft. I’d probably spin it into something fine and use it in a lace project. Maybe a lacy headband or hat or wristwarmers.

  24. Catie:

    I would love to win this. I have been thinking about taking up spinning, and would love to make a mobius or a hat out of such wonderful fiber.

  25. emy:

    Both fibers look great! I don’t know how to spin yet, so these awesome fibers would be wasted on me. Just wanted to stop by and say hello and hope that whomever wins them enjoys them!


  26. Kristen:

    How pretty! I would like to try learning to use a drop spindle. I’m not sure what I would make- possibly a cowl.

  27. esther:

    beautiful! i’d make something for my daughters to share (yeah right; they fight over the handknits like they’re candy! no joke!). a hat maybe…oh, lets be honest, i’d probably make a cowl for me! cuz a girl can’t have too many! :)

  28. Aster:

    LOVE! I would be giddy with delight to spin something as sumptuous as this. Maybe I’d just put in in a glass case and display it in my living room… :) Nah, a beautiful lacy scarf would look great in this.

  29. bea:

    Both are just gorgeous. I’m a very brand new spinner and I’m not yet to the point where I can spin something with a project in mind so I really have no idea what I would spin with it or what I would make from it. But it is so lovely and soft looking so I decided I would say so even though I don’t know what I would make.

  30. val:

    just popping in to see if you are ok, i see there was a major storm that hit France and Spain – I hope you are all safe and your families & friends too.

  31. turvid:


  32. Joy:

    How lovely! I’ve never spun from a batt before, only top or roving, so it would be nice to try that out. That looks like just the right amount to make a warm, soft, lacy cowl to keep my neck warm this chilly winter.

  33. momwithahook:

    Too late to enter the give-a-way but nice fiber. Curious as to who won it and what they will do with it. :)

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