Etsy, & Plans and resolutions for 2009

Filed under: Etsy,links,Uncategorized — January 8, 2009 @ 10:16 pm

First, if you’re an Etsy seller and have always thoughts how cool it’d be to be notified whenever one of your items is featured somewhere on the site, check this out. (Then if you were on the front page Treasury but missed it, pics are here).

Also, I’m having a big Winter sale in my Etsy store, marked down a lot of my handmade items !

Some things I’d like to do this year:

– Write a few articles I’ve had in the works for a while about running an Etsy store, writing and selling your own patterns.. and more.
– I would REALLY like to finally publish some patterns that just need to be written down, like for my Wee Booties, Funky scarves, maybe for my Wip Crate
– I’ve had requests for larger sizes for the Roselette and would love to work on that. Also, I might give a try to a knit Roselette…
– I’d love to see more people learn to crochet and/or spin their own yarn this year and have projects about that. Just need to find some time to work on that !
– The mini Fiber Giveaway is so much fun I’m planning a Monthly Fiber Giveaway this year. Little bunches of fiber each month, either from the hackle or handcarded, or just handpainted roving…

… But most of all, I need to be reasonable and work on come (secret) commisioned work before I dive into all the new projects I’d be starting every 5 minutes. Oh and finish a few of those WIPs that have been laying around forever.

What are YOUR plans for this year ? :-P


  1. *emy:

    Firstly have to say LOVE your work!

    I’m not much of a planner or resolution maker but this year I thought I would make one goal and try to achieve it before the end of the year. My goal is to learn how to make Chicken Korma and fresh Nan!!! Maybe if I feel adventures I’ll try to not burn the basmati rice but I won’t hold my breath. I don’t know why but I can whip up any Italian, Mexican, and Greek dishes but for some unknown reason I haven’t been able to master Indian food! So my goal is Chicken Korma! Wish me luck!


  2. Emily:

    My knitting goal for this year is to try and go the whole year without buying any sock yarn. First, I’m going to set a mini-goal of not buying any sock yarn until the end of June and then see if I can go another 6 months.

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