Fighting with the stash

Filed under: FO,Freebie,pattern testers,Uncategorized,Yarn — February 20, 2006 @ 2:18 pm

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So here I was this morning. Thinking “Phew”, I’ve nearly got all of it in there ! (except the crap of course, which shall stay in my plasticy 5-drawer thing; and the rest, still stored in Grenoble.. ;-) )
Please ignore the mess btw, it’s an in-progress pic…

But I still had that feeling, like, Hey, where are the 2 skeins of Any Blatt Merino though… So I went and checked under the bed. Yep. There it was. The third bag !!!

Now I just have to try and fit in the best of what’s in there.

But anyhow, even though it’s quite obvious that a lot of my stash is made of bits and pieces and crap, I’m already super happy whith those new shelves. Now it will be so much easier to plan what I need to use up and what I can use for each project ect…

I’ll take a pic of the full room when it’s all done btw. :-D

The chokers are done, and blocking. Of course I had to do yet some more modifications, but I’m really happy of the result. They end up looking so much neater than my first “prototypes”. So I guess it was worth the wait…!
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I hate to show you that pic, really doesn’t do them justice, but wanted to check already whether there’d be 2 volunteers to test the pattern. I’m still working on embellishment options, but other than that the pattern is fully written and I’d really like it to be typo-free when I start putting it for sale..!
(deal is: I’d like each tester to make one choker, preferably within the week – I know, the Olympics!!- with whatever crap yarn, even if it doesn’t meet gauge at all. I just want you to look for typos, or tell me what’s unclear.)
Please email me if you’re interested. (sylvieATchezplumDOTcom)

Oh. And who wants this pattern? I got it in a mag the other day (of course it’s in french !!). Just send me an email and I’ll send it to you.

…& btw, more patterns & yarn (for swap this time) here ! ;-)


  1. yahaira:

    holy moley! that’s quite the stash room you’re building there. It looks like a yarn store ;)

  2. Shelley:

    I am soooo jealous! Those shelves are super! If I wasn’t such a lazy gal ….
    Congratulations on your new baby, by the way. Have you thought about names?

  3. Brooklyn Handspun:

    whoa what a stash! I love it! I think the shelves make the stash look like art.

  4. Anushka:

    Whoa! Your stash – !!!

  5. momofguen:

    I want to knit with your stash.

    Also, I had a baby last winter and let me tell you, knitting gets further and father between! Good luck!

  6. christine:

    ahhhhhh! JEALOUS! I need one of those big wall deals too! I am soooo unorganized! I LOVE the chokers! It’s weird because I just started a cabled sweater, with yuck yarn, so I’ll be abandoning it… but the cable was a toss up between the eyelet/cable (LIKE YOURS!!!! EXACT ST PATERN!) or the other one, which I’m not feeling.

  7. ladylinoleum:

    You stash stashing prowess is impressive.

    Love the choker!

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