Back from the Lot

Filed under: french,Lot et Laine wool festival — July 13, 2011 @ 2:21 pm

This week-end in Lot for the “Lot et laine” wool festival was fantastic. Of course it was, but I mean, really (above picture was taken early in the morning, before all the visitors arrived). There was tons of fantastic artisans and stores and workshops, and even more that I couldn’t attend because there was just too much too see and do. And meeting so many passionate and super friendly people was just heaven.
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I took a workshop with Deb, the “Mulburry dyer” on natural dying. Learned tons of things, bought mordants and dying plants to start experimenting again.
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I sold tons of felted soaps and felted soaps kits (with my new tutorial on how to make felted soaps inside), showed my vintage french spindles in a mini expo along with vintage postcards, learned new things and met fascinating people, including some who already “knew” me via this blog (this was pretty cool! :-P)
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I taught 12 lovely ladies how to make felted soaps, and we had a great time ! It was my first time teaching such a large group of people but it went so well I’m now feeling ready to tackle the world! ;-)
Really amazing stores were there, I bought carded local wool to spin/felt, a kit of icelandic wool for a Brynja from Gwenola, amazing felted mitts and flower from a local felter, banana and silk yarn from “my Auntie”, and super pretty buttons …
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Domino let me try her majacraft spinning beauty. How smooth ! Their yarns were amazing too, really if I didn’t have tons of my own handspun unused I would have bought some. Several natural dyers were there, including Renaissance dying (spot her amazing crocheted shawl!!). And Knitters and designers and… so many I couldn’t list them all.
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The setup was really neat too, in the middle of nowhere. I camped with several other girls in Cabrerets, and enjoyed staying in this quiet and quaint hamlet. Will have to be back for a family trip for sure !!

Last but not least, I’m so happy to have made so many new friends, Myriam, Agnŕ¨s, Silvia, Elodie, “frederique de toulouse”, dominique, lola & moira… and all the ones I forget… I hope to see you all again next year !! :-)


  1. Kathleen Valentine:

    That looks so wonderful. Wish I was there!

  2. Siegi:

    It was just great! I was there!
    Thanks for the pics!

  3. untxin:

    Hey hey joli reportage sur ce super festival. Merci,merci !
    Est-ce que tu m’enverrais la photo sur laquelle je tente de ne pas dĂ©truire le rouet de Domino ?? J’adorerais la publier dans mon billet. Merci d’avance.

  4. Debbie kniteuse:

    So sorry I didn’t join in the class – you looked to be having such fun and everyone looked so pleased with the result. Definitely next time!!! (novasteel stand)

  5. Alix:

    Je confirme que ton atelier était super sympa, et que tu as réussi à gérer trop bien 12 feutreuses plus ou moins débutantes!

  6. Clochemerle » Ah le beau Lot que voilĂ  !:

    […] En voici une petite liste : * Citronnelle-Eglantine (qui m’a bien fait rougir, huhu!) * Sylv chez plum (en anglais) * Tricobsessionnel * The mulberry dyer (en anglais) * L’atelier du chat noir * […]

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