Finally, baby M !!!!!!

Filed under: Family,Uncategorized — June 12, 2006 @ 6:21 pm

Hey, we’re back home !!
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M was born on thursday, labor did take a bit longer than expected but once they broke the waters she was out in 3 contractions. She seems real calm so far, only thing is she sleeps a lot during the day, .. but has trouble finding sleep at night.. But hey, she’s only a few days old !
I’m fine too, although I fainted on the first evening ( didn’t eat for the whole day and you should have seen the meal they gave me, like I was on a weight watchers diet !!). All good now, just need to be able to find sleep again. Not that that I don’t have the time, my body just won’t go in “sleeping mode”… hormones ? Was the same for P anyway.

Anyhow, enough baby talk. Tomorrow we’re starting the grand tour to visit the family, so you probably won’t hear much from me for a bit … But let me just tell you I got the most amazing package from Yahaira today, I’ll post pics later but you can already see a pic of the beautiful sweater she knit for M on her blog.

Oh, and can you believe I even knit a few rows while at the clinic..? Actually I even would have knitted more if I had packed it from the beginning but I felt silly taking my knitting with me. But it was nice and relaxing to have something to keep the fingers busy during quiet times…

Okay, talk to you all later :-D


  1. karen:

    yes !!!!! elle est belle comme un coeur !!!
    felicitations !! bon retour chez toi.

  2. Amy:

    Aww…she’s beautiful! Look at all that dark hair!

    Sorry…I realize you don’t know me because I’ve never commented before, but I found you through Craftster and have been an avid reader for some time now. I enjoy your work very much!

  3. Pam - Knotty Generation:

    Contratulations Sylv!! I love the name Maud, she is absolutley beautiful, what a angle face!! She’s perfect!! Take good care! -Pam

  4. Emmie:

    Syl!!! I was just thinking today, isn’t that baby born yet??!! I see that she has!

    Maud is a beautiful name, she is beautiful- thanks so much for sharing all these pictures!

    I am so, so happy for you!

    Enjoy your new friend!

    Emms :)

  5. Charisse:

    Yay!! baby pictures….
    so beautiful..

  6. kristin:

    Congratulations! Maud is precious!

  7. Anushka:

    Congratulations!!!! Maud is so beautiful, you must be so proud to have such a gorgeous baby girl!

    Take care xxxxx

  8. dancingbarefoot:

    She’s adorable! Congratulations on your new family member.

  9. maylin:

    Congratulation Sylvie, she is a beautiful baby. How does Prune like her new sister?
    Have a good time en famille and return home safe and not too tired. All the bestXXX

  10. Horse Power:

    Congratulations Sylv! She is lovely! We are so delighted to see her!

  11. Christine (knitting for boozehags):

    Ahhhhhh! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! I wish I was there! I have been SO crazy (helena just turned 3- crazy party!)and have been meaning to write you but then I thought I’d give you time to re-cuperate! But WOW! You are already blogging! (JEALOUS!)
    3 CONTRACTIONS?? Yey! That’s great! The food I had with Nia was unbearable too. It doesn’t seem fair- you can’t eat all day and then they give you stuff that’s inedible!
    How’s prune doing with her? Give them both a big hug and kiss from me!
    Oh and I designed/knitted a one of a kind dress for prune- give me a bit more time because I am also going to be doing something for maud as well!!!
    I love you and your family! I am so HAPPY for you!
    (and aren’t you glad it’s over and done with now??!!)

  12. Anonymous:

    Congratulations, hope you are both well and Prune is enjoying being a big sister.

  13. Brenda:

    Congratulations! What a BEAUTIFUL baby! Glad you are both doing well.

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